How to use the Oracle Cloud free offer and create an Ubuntu Cloud VPS PC on Oracle Cloud: capcutsoftware

How to use the Oracle Cloud free offer and create an Ubuntu Cloud VPS PC on Oracle Cloud: capcutsoftware

by Admin
How to use the Oracle Cloud free offer and create an Ubuntu Cloud VPS PC on Oracle Cloud: capcutsoftware
How to use the Oracle Cloud free offer and create an Ubuntu Cloud VPS PC on Oracle Cloud: capcutsoftware

I will show you how to get a free,

yes, that's completely free forever,

Ubuntu machine.

It is from a major cloud provider worth about $200 billion,

so is not likely to disappear any anytime soon.

On screen you can see the finished product,

which is completely separate from my local PC and network,

so can not slow down on either

and because it is not on my local network,

you can access it from anywhere in the world.

And if I open Stacer, a graphical performance monitor,

you can see it comes with a massive four CPUs,

24 gigabytes of memory,

and almost 200 gigabytes of disc storage.

If I open a text editor on the Ubuntu instance

and notepad file on my local windows PC,

I can copy the contents of the local PC file

up to the Ubuntu instance

even though it is running hundreds of miles away

in a data centre somewhere.

So after this short introduction,

I will show you how it was all done.

Cloud Tech Introduction

("Lights - Alternative Version" The Places)

("Lights - Alternative Version" The Places ends)

The Oracle Cloud Always Free Offer

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship)

If you key into Google Search

the words Oracle Cloud Free Tier

and then select the first link,

it will take you to this page.

If I just scroll down,

I can show you what is included in this always free offer.

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship continues)

Yes, there are extra services

that are available for 30 days,

but the resources I am showing you here are always free.

So that's a massive 24 gigabytes of memory,

four arm-based CPUs,

and 200 gigabytes of storage.

So to get that,

if I scroll back up,

you can see a button labelled Start for Free,

which, when pressed, starts the registration process.

There may be some basic verification processes

to complete as part of this signup process

as it is just trying to ensure you're a real human

and not an internet bot trying to abuse the offer

by getting many individual accounts with lots of resources.

So after signing up,

you will be taken to this webpage,

and as you can see at the top of the screen,

there is a purple banner explaining that

you are currently on the free plan.

And unless you specifically upgrade to a paid account,

which we are not going to do,

you will never be charged.

As this topic has generated many questions

and comments on other YouTubers' channels,

Creating an Oracle Cloud Instance

like, why do some companies offer

these free forever resources, et cetera?

I have put a link to one of their question

and answer videos in the YouTube description

that hopefully answers any questions you have.

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship continues)

I select the option to create a VM instance.

I give the instance a name.

I move down to the image and shape box and select edit.

I change the image to Canonical Ubuntu,

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship continues)

then operating system version 20.04,

and press the select image button.

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship continues)

I change the shape from the default AMD to Ampere.

I select the default size

and increase it to use all four CPUs.

A yellow warning box appears just letting us know

we are at the limit of this free account for CPUs now.

So we ignore it and press create.

("Trip to Roma" Swirling Ship continues)

For SSH key, we select paste key.

At this point, I stop and download

and install the Windows PuTTY SSH client

importantly from the official website.

It includes an application called PuTTY General,

which is an SSH key generator.

So I open that

and generate an SSH key.

I then copy the onscreen public key part

and paste it into the website's SSH key box.

Before pressing the create button,

I increase the boot volume size,

so it uses all 200 gigabytes.

When I do so,

I see the yellow warning box again,

simply indicating that I am using

all 200 gigabytes of space.

So I just ignore it and press create.

At this point, I get an error saying that

the data centre, also known as an availability domain,

does not have the resources available at the moment

to satisfy the request.

Normally, it only to takes a few days to restock.

But rather than wait,

I simply scroll to the top

and change where this server is to be placed

in another data centre

or availability zone in this region.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon)

I then press create,

and because this availability zone

does have the requested resources,

it starts to provision the server.

This provisioning can take up to a minute,

so in the meantime, I return to PuTTY Gen

and save the private half of the key that we will need later

to connect to the provision server via SSH.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

Now, the server has finished provisioning,

we need to let our RDP remote control traffic,

which is on port 3,389

through the Oracle's console-based firewall

through to the instance

as we will be using it in a minute to display its desktop.

So to do that,

I select the instance's subnet,

then its default security list

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

to which I add a new ingress rule

with the information you can see me enter the onscreen form.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

And when finished, I go back

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

Connect to the Oracle Cloud Instance via SSH

to connect to the instance I have just created

because as yet, I haven't put XRDP in the desktop on it.

I open PuTTY, the Windows SSH client.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

For host name,

I enter Ubuntu, an @ sign,

followed by the instances IP address.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon continues)

I then select the SSH auth tab

and browse to the private part of the SSH key

that I created and saved earlier in PuTTY Gen.

("Whistling All the Way Down" Assaf Ayalon ends)

This part is optional.

I browse to the appearance tab

and change to a bigger font that is both easier to read

and displays better on this video.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon)

Now, before I open the connection,

I return to the main tab.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon continues)

Name and then save the settings.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon continues)

Only now do I start the connection.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon continues)

As this is the first time this machine's SSH client

has connected to this instance,

it just gives a warning.

I accept it and proceed with the connection.

Configure the Oracle Cloud Instance

On screen you can see my open SSH connection window

from a moment ago

and below it, the five configuration commands

that I copied out of the YouTube description.

If I zoom into the SSH window,

while I cut and paste each,

you can more easily see the typical response

when each are run.

This first command updates the repositories

so they point at the latest version of each module

and then upgrades any out of date module

so as to include all known bug fixes

and security patches.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon continues)

The second command instals the Ubuntu Desktop,

the XRDP remote control software,

and the Stacer performance graphical monitor,

which you saw in the introduction.

And I have found very useful

as it summarises any instance's CPU,

memory, and disc usage.

This installation command normally runs

for five or 10 minutes,

but through the magic of video editing,

it will only take a few seconds.

("Come Back Home" Assaf Ayalon continues)

All Oracle instances come with

a set of iptables firewall rules

that block most ports on the instance,

but we are already using

the console-based firewall for that.

And maintaining two firewalls can be complex

and I would only normally suggest it

when the instance has to be very, very secure.

As a result,

to remove this instance's unnecessary extra firewall

that is just adding complexity,

this command firstly copies

all existing instance iptables firewall rules

to a backup file

and then truncates the file to zero size,

thereby removing them from when the instance is rebooted.

This command removes the policy that causes the annoying

and frequent window that appears on the desktop

requesting password authorization to create a colour device

every five minutes.

This final command sets the password for the Ubuntu user

that we will be using to connect via RDP.

It is very important that this password is complex, long,

so over 10 characters in length

and not found in a dictionary

to prevent this instance being susceptible

to brute force attacks.

An example of the password I'm using is on screen.

And that's all five configuration commands completed.

All we do now is reboot it

to ensure they're all fully in effect.

The server is now ready for use.

All we have to do now is connect to it.

Connect to the Oracle Cloud Instance via RDP

I open the Remote Desktop Connection Windows application,

copy and paste the instance's IP address

from the Oracle website into the application.

("Japanika" Swirling Ship)

Enter the username as Ubuntu,

tick the box that allows me to save credentials

as unlike the typical XRDP log on screen,

the resultant screen will allow me

to paste in the complex password.

I go to the resources tab

and ensure only clipboard is ticked.

If this video proves popular,

I will look at how it can be improved,

so local drive mapping also works,

but for now, it doesn't.

I return to the main tab.

Here I do have an option to save

all these settings in a file.

However, for now, I just connect.

("Born Twice" Eyal Raz)

I get the complex password,

which I have recorded

and proceed to copy and paste it

into the credentials window.

("Born Twice" Eyal Raz continues)

When connected,

I proceed through the welcome screens onto the main desktop

("Born Twice" Eyal Raz continues)

where the only change I make is under settings,


lock screen

where I disable everything.

That is because if this instance were to lock,

it can be problematic connecting to it.

Finally, I find and start the Stacer performance monitor

("Born Twice" Eyal Raz continues)

to prove the instance can see all the CPUs,

memory, and disc.

("Born Twice" Eyal Raz continues)

And that's it, the machine is ready for use.

The YouTube End Cards

On screen, you will find a video showing

how to deploy a Windows server 2019 disc image

and below it, a video I made

showing how I create it in Kali Linux VPS

from the official Kali ISOs.

And if you want to see more videos in the future

like this one,

click on the Cloud Tech logo.

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