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CapCut for PC & Mac - COMPLETE CapCut Video Editing capcutsoftware |
here's how to use cap cut for PC and Mac in this complete step-by-step cap cut video editing tutorial and as we go through let me know down in the comments what is your biggest tip for new users of cap cut it could be something from this video or something you've picked up from playing around yourself okay so this is what you'll see when you first open up cap cut now I'm showing you this on a Mac but it's going to be exactly the same if you're on PC as well so on this screen you can access your previous editing projects down here you can sign in if you have a cap cut account now you don't need one I don't have one but that's where you can sign in and you've got the start creating button up here to start a new project now if we come up to the top right hand corner here and click on this little button here come down to settings which we can also access up the top here under cap cut and down to settings in here we can set up our project defaults so where our project is going to go so we can change this location by pressing the little folder here I'm just going to leave it where it is we can also clear out our project cache here as well so if we do have a bunch of projects in here they're taking up a lot of hard drive space you can clear that out here out once those edits are done come over here to edit this is where we can set some defaults like our image duration so if we're going to bring in any still photos and things how long they're going to default to displaying on screen you can also set your video frame rate down here as well the footage.
CapCut for PC & Mac -
I am going to be using for this tutorial is 25 frames per second so I'm going to switch to this so that it matches up here under performance if you are using really large files or you're using a lower powered computer then you can enable proxy mode here which is going to make it easier for you to edit those files and the last one up here is where you can specify the app language it should be all good to go by default I'm going to hit save on this to apply those settings we're going to choose start creating and then we're taking to our main cap cut editing interface so we can access all our media audio text and everything all up the top here and whichever one of these we have selected we can see the settings and everything for that down in this section the next one across here is the video player this is where we can play back our editing Masterpiece we've got extra details and settings and things that will show up up the top corner here now if we do want to make changes to our project settings we can do that in here we can see the Default Resolution here is adapted meaning it's going to be set from the first video clip that we import but we can also manually set that here too so if we come down here to modify we can actually manually change the resolution here to customized and we can set the resolution so we've got here 1920x1080 so we've got a 1080p project we can also adjust the color space here as well if you are going to be say using HDR footage then you can set that here but for most people you should just be able to leave this as adapted and that should be good to go down the bottom here is your video editing timeline this is where we will actually be editing now we'll run through these tools up here as we go through but these are all to change up your editing experience if we come over to this side this is where you've got your undo and redo buttons but you can also switch your editing mode up here as well from just having a cursor to click and select on Clips to having a blade to be able to split
CapCut for PC & Mac - COMPLETE CapCut Video Editing capcutsoftware
Clips but that is the overall interface so we're gonna go ahead now and we're going to import some footage so we can either click on the button here making sure that we have media selected or we can drag and drop our clips into this window so I'm going to pick our three footage files here and we can see that's bought those straight in now to add these down into our timeline we can just click and drag them down as you would with most editing tools but if we do want to preview them first we can double click on the clips and they'll start to play over here so I'm going to bring down clip number two and let's bring in clip number three afterwards so what we have here is our primary video footage it just happened to be in this case split over three different clips so now that we have some footage in the timeline here we can now change the aspect ratio of this video if we need to so we can see here where we've set it to original which is the same as the clips here that we've imported but if we do click on this then we can choose a different aspect ratio too so if you do want to create a 9x16 video for Instagram stories or YouTube shorts then you can set that here and it's going to get the sizing and everything right for you I'm going to leave this back here at original but up the top here as well under this little menu we can turn on some Advanced color settings here so we can see all of our Scopes we can adjust the preview quality here the playback quality so again if your computer is struggling here you could set it to Performance priority and it's going to optimize things to make it better for you and if you just want to export out a still photo or an image of whatever it is that you're editing at that point then you can do that from here too so
COMPLETE CapCut Video Editing capcutsoftware
the first step once you've got your primary footage in is to go through remove all the bad takes all the mistakes until you're just left with the stuff that you actually want to use so I'm going to come back to the start of our clip here make sure we're back to the start we can either zoom in using this slider or you can use the control or command plus and minus keys on the keyboard so we can zoom in and see more detail now you can see underneath the image here we have our audio waveforms this is the visual representation of the audio or the sound in the video so we can see at the start here there is nothing happening and then at this point here where we start this see the audio coming through that's where I start talking so we'll want to make sure that our video starts at this point now there's a couple of different ways that we can do this I'm going to run through those so that you can see what options you have because in some cases it'll make sense to use some of these methods over others so I'm going to select this clip I'm going to come back across to the left side of the clip and you can see the mouse cursor changes if I click and drag this back to the right until just before I start talking there and let it go then that is now the start point for our video we've now trimmed that clip back to that point so if I hit play now that's the start of the video likewise if we go all the way across here to the end of our video we can start to trim off the end of it if we click and drag on this white line This playback head here then we can scrub through our footage we don't need to play through it we can speed through it but we can see at this point here it's the end of the video we finish talking that's where we're going to want to finish it so I could just come and grab the end of the clip and slide it
COMPLETE CapCut Video Editing capcutsoftware COMPLETE CapCut Video Editing capcutsoftware
back or I can press B on the keyboard to switch to our split mode or blade mode which we can also select up here and then I just click on the timeline at that point and that is now cut our clip in two so you can quickly switch between these two modes by pressing A and B on the keyboard so if I select this second clip here now this piece that we don't want and press delete on the keyboard then it's gone ahead and removed that for us now if we're looking back into this a little bit we can see that there is a gap here where I'm not talking so I'm clearly between takes or I'm starting to say something again and we're going to want to remove that so we want to find the place we want to split our timeline we can press B on the keyboard to switch over to Blade and then we can click on that clip and it will split it or without switching to Blade mode if we click on the clip and select it and we press on Mac command b or Windows control B then that's going to cut our timeline at that point so we don't need to keep switching between blade mode and select mode we can use the keyboard shortcuts to really help speed things up and then from there we can grab this clip we can come to the end of it we can slide this back to close up that Gap and that section has now been removed so the idea now is to go through remove any bad takes any mistakes anything you don't want to have in your finished video so that we're left with just the good stuff the story or the content now with any of these clips you can click on them you can pick them up you can move them around to change the order of them all to help you build out that story but once that's done the next step is to bring in any b-roll or overlay footage into your project and into your timeline so I'm going to come back up the top here make sure media is selected we're going to choose import going to navigate through find my b-roll footage so I've got three Clips here I'm going to select the first one and bring it down into the timeline but instead of just dropping at the end I'm going to drop it on top of the video footage and that's now created us automatically a new video layer so you see if we scrub through here now there's me talking I'm still talking underneath but now this clip is playing over the top and we've got access to those exact same editing tools for these clips as well so let's say that we wanted this shot to start about here we can grab this end drag it back let's hit play on that and so we want to just stop here we can select it command B and we have cut it at that point now let's say that we want the last part of this clip as well where we are zooming back out say from here until about there and now we can pick up these clips and move them to where we want them so go ahead in this step and add in all of your b-roll your graphics your overlay footage into your project so in our timeline now we've got one timeline layer for our primary footage one for our b-roll or overlay and for each one of these layers we actually have some controls so we can mute all the clips on a particular layer by using the button here we can disable the clips to hide them using the next one or we can lock them so if we don't want any movement or adjustment to happen we can lock them so they're saved in that state now because some of these clips here do have audio associated with them I can just go ahead and mute all of those clips with One Click by pressing this here so those shots are seen but we're not going to hear the sound from them but don't worry we'll get to audio adjustment and everything really soon from here we want to add in any text or titles into our video so if we come up the top here to text we've got our default text here that we can use or if we come down here under text templates there's a lot of different preset templates that you can use and some of these look pretty good you can see they'll preview if you put your mouse over them so there's an animated subscribe button there is a like a thumbs up a subscribe again with a bell notification so if I click on that again this is what that looks like so pretty amazing that you have a lot of this stuff here built in you can literally just drag and drop onto your project now while there is a lot in here and you can customize them up my favorite place to go for titles and animations and stuff like this is video Hive and I'll have a link to that down in the description below so let's say that we wanted to drop this in I pick it up I can drag it down drag it down to where I want it just like our other Clips we can stretch it out or we could make it smaller we can pick it up we can move it around and we can even customize up the text here you can see with this selected we can actually double click on the text here it opens up the top here maybe we put an exclamation mark after it and there's also then a bunch of options in here to customize this up further change the colors and really customize this up for your brand with it selected we can also click on it we can pick it up we can move around we could scale it down so that it's not so big let's put it down in the bottom corner here we've now got a subscribe button now at that point in the video that animates on and then disappears so there's some really cool stuff that's built in here and they're always adding new stuff all the time let's come over here to title I'm just going to grab some fairly basic text here but it is animated let's click on it let's drag it down into our timeline near the start and let's make this a name card so I'll double click on it we can see we've got the text up here let's go Justin Brown let's change the font to Oswald so a primal video font it's bold we could expand this out we could change the presets we can save presets in here as well so we don't have to create everything from scratch all the time okay good come down here we could add a background and we can then customize up what that looks like as well it will change the color here to something more like a primal video color that's looking pretty close from here we can scale it down let's drop it down off to the side here and if we hit play on this now it's now going to pop up and then disappear at that point now we can stretch this out if we want it on screen for longer we can shorten it again we can pick it up we can move it around and I just love how simple and fast this stuff is in here so you want to go through now add in any titles or text to your video so now that we've got a little bit going on down here there's a couple of extra tools that I want to run you through so if we select this text box here you can see there's this little line down to our main clip this means that those two are linked mean that if I pick up this clip and go to move it around the text or stickers are going to be linked to it now you don't have to have that as the case we can disable linking up here and then if I pick this up then those two are separate so I love that they've got this built in this is something I loved about Final Cut and having that magnetic timeline we can also turn on or off auto snapping so if I pick up this clip now and go to move it up here you can see it's going to snap to that place if I want more control over that I can turn off snapping here and then you can see I can really position this wherever I want it without that snapping happening I personally like to leave that one on and the last one here is track magnet so I can see if I picked this up now with the magnet on if I dropped it over here the magnet's gonna suck it back to the left so that we don't have any gaps in our timeline now that is Handy but there's definitely times where you would want it off so to turn that off we can turn off our magnet there now we can position Clips anywhere that we want again super powerful this stuff is built in next up we're going to add in any effects or transitions onto our video so if we come up here to Transitions now this is something that again cap Cuts got a ton of presets in here for you some of these are very basic and could cheapen the look of your video but some of the other ones in here are pretty cool and could help you get more creative with your edits so the way these work is that you drop them in between different clips here in your timeline so let's grab this one here flashes let's drag it down onto our clip here onto the join between them and if we play this now we've now got this transition that happens so it's really easy to drag and drop those down to your timeline but typically if I had a video like this like one of our regular YouTube videos I wouldn't add a transition here if both of the shots are the same so I'm going to come up here and hit undo to remove that transition and instead what I would do between these two shots here is I would zoom in or punch in on one of them to create a zoom cut just so they looked a little bit different so I'm going to pick this clip here I'm going to come up the top here to video and I'm just going to scale this up a little bit now depending on how you've shot this and your camera quality and everything you really don't want to go too far with this because you could be losing a little bit of quality let's just get it to 110 so I've zoomed in 10 and now let's take a look at this cut so it's just a little bit of a zoom in to make this shot feel like a little bit different make it feel like it was even shot with a second camera now in order to really sell this effect too you want to try and match the eye position in both the shots so let's come back here to this clip now we can either click and drag down on this window or we can use the tools over here to adjust it manually let's just see if that's a bit closer now okay so it's pretty subtle but it breaks it up for your viewers so instead of using transitions this is typically what we'd use in our YouTube video so once you've gone through and added transitions to your edit you then want to apply any effects so under effects again there is an absolute ton in here everything from this rebound spring effect to a ripple to an old vintage look to adding lightning if we scroll down here you can just see there's so many different things in here so depending on the video you're making some of these things could be really helpful or they could be really distracting for your viewers but again they're just a matter of selecting what you want dragging it down into your timeline and that effect has been applied but the other area in terms of effects is if we select a video clip here in our timeline and come up the top here then we can stabilize our video so if it's shaky footage and we want to stabilize it you've got that here if we want to adjust the speed and speed it up or slow it down then we've got speed controls in here or if we come across to animation then we can apply some simple animations to our Clips too so if we go spin up two here this is what that looks like so you could treat these as transitions too and you get to choose if they're going to happen when the clip plays so the start of the clip on the in or if it happens at the end or you can actually have it as a combo like this one here pendulum one or Zoom one or this zoom and rotate one you can see that some of these here they're not actually that bad and they could help you create something pretty creative I'm just going to come back up and hit none we've also got a motion tracking effect in here and all of your color and audio adjustments in here as well once you've added your Transitions and effects the next up we're going to add in our audio so if we want to come back over here to audio there is a bunch of music that is built here into cap cut but a lot of it is copyright music which you can actually legally only use on Tick Tock so I would strongly advise that you use your own music or use music that you have the licenses to use and this is where we're getting our music from epidemic sound and from art list because we know we're covered with those licenses so instead of using the music and the sound effects in here I'm going to go back over to Media I'm going to import our music tracks and again to bring it down we can just click on it drag it down into our timeline and let's go below power primary video track onto its own a separate layer now just like our regular Clips we can pick this up we can move it around we can trim off the start we can trim off the end if we need to to say in this case our music goes much longer than our video we can zoom out we can grab the end shorten it down so that they match now when you're adding your music in it's a good idea to play back through your video you might find that you're making minor edits to things adjusting the timing adjust where the cuts are also that it matches the overall feel that you're going for now from here we're going to adjust all of the volume levels and if you're creating a video like this where you've got someone speaking or you've got a narration I would suggest that you're getting that volume level set right first and then adjusting your music or your sound effects second so for right now I'm going to click this little button here to mute our music we've already muted our top layer here our b-roll Clips so if we come back to the start now and hit this little button here then this is going to bring up our audio bars so that we can see how loud or quiet our audio is so if we hit play we're going to see that these bars light up and we can see that our volume is going all the way up into the green but it's not hitting the zero or going into the red area if our volume is too loud and it's going above zero or close to zero then it's going to be distorting and it's going to sound really bad so you want to make sure that your audio stays just below that zero Mark and to do this we can select a clip we can come up the top here to audio and we can adjust this slider up and down to adjust the volume levels the other way that we can do it is on the clip itself you can see that there is this faint white line that appears when you put your mouse over it if we lift that up that's going to boost the volume if we pull it down that's going to lower the volume so go ahead and make any adjustments to your audio as you need to and then we're going to do the same with our music so we're going to unmute our music track and this piece here is really personal preference it's creative there's no right or wrong here it's going to come down to the music track and it's going to come down to the vibe of the video You're creating but as a general rule what we find for music is We normally start around negative 25 to negative 30 somewhere in there as a good starting point will then play back the video see what it sounds like and make adjustments from there now cap cut does have some more advanced controls for audio in here as well where we can use keyframes to manually adjust the volume levels throughout a clip so let's just say for instance that we wanted the start of the music track here a little bit louder and then as it progresses in it drops down a little bit we could use keyframes to do that so I'm going to bring this volume slider back up here so we're going to increase the volume level let's say that we wanted around -17 at the start I'm going to hit this little keyframe button here next to volume and you can see we've got a little keyframe that's appeared in our timeline down here I'm then going to find the place where we want the volume to go lower let's say around here I'm going to hit that little keyframe button again and then I'm going to come across just a little bit further hit that keyframe button one more time but I'm now going to lower the volume to where I want it to be so back to that negative 27 28 somewhere around there so we zoom in on this timeline here now we can see we've got our volume starting at this point and going along continuously at that second keyframe marker it starts to lower until it gets to the third keyframe marker and that's now where it's set for the rest of the clip and at any time we can grab these keyframe markers we can move them up and down without needing to come back up here to all the settings another thing I want to point out here is if you do have a lot of background noise in your video clips you can select your Clips come up here to audio and there is a built-in noise reduction tool in here which will take a lot of that out for you now that we have all our volume levels sorted the next step is to adjust the colors in our videos now for this again cap card has a lot of preset filters they call it think of these like Instagram filters that you can apply to your video so straight out if you find something in here that you like then that would be a great starting point you can just drag that effect down onto your clips and you're good to go now instead of manually applying an effect to each and every one of your Clips you can also apply an effect to your timeline itself like an adjustment layer so you can see now just dragging this to the timeline it's its own clip but essentially what it's doing is it's applying this filter this effect to every clip that's underneath it so if I stretch this out now then all of these clips under here are really going to have that effect applied and the ones that aren't underneath it aren't applied but again we're not just limited to these filters if I select on this and press delete so we're going to remove it you can actually create our own effects or make Minor Adjustments either by clicking on an individual clip and coming up to adjustments and we've got a bunch of tools in here and look up tables that we can apply to our video to dial in the look and feel that we're after so we can either do it here on a clip by clip basis or if I undo this now if I come up the top here to adjustment and we grab a color adjustment and drop it down into our timeline we still get access to those exact same tools over here but just like the filters it's treated as an adjustment layer so we could then stretch this out across our entire project we could make the adjustments that we need so we might make it a little bit more blue we might boost the saturation here adjust the brightness and again that's applied to all the clips beneath that filter so we have a before and after so in this case we just drag this out then across our entire video and that grade is now applied so now that your color grade is done if you do want to add captions into your videos there is a really powerful Auto captioning tool built in here to cap cut two so you just want to come up the top here to text again let's make sure that we're back at the start of our video we can then go to auto captions and we can hit create that's going to go through it's going to analyze our video it's going to listen to what's been said in it and it's going to automatically type out captions for us so that's done now we can see we've got all of our text here across the bottom we can then customize this up as we did with our titles you can see with all of these selected here we've got access to the same tools up here in terms of styling fonts colors so I think it's awesome if this is built in here especially if you're going to be creating different versions of your video so you want to convert your YouTube video over to a short version for Instagram or for shorts or for reals then it's super easy to add captions for those types of videos too now that our video is done we want to export it so you want to come up to the top here to export we can give our video a name Justin edit we can choose where we're going to save our file to we can then customize up our settings here again these were set from our primary footage the first video clip that we bought into our timeline so for most people these settings should be pretty good but if you needed to you can adjust your resolution you can adjust your bit rate either to a preset lower or higher or you can actually manually type in a bit rate in here too you can adjust your codecs your frame rate or you can even just export an MP3 if you wanted to save out your video as a podcast as well but again I'd imagine for most people just the default settings here are going to be everything that you want all you need to do then is hit export and your video will save out now if you want to learn how to edit faster and more efficiently then grab our free pdf guide which is linked on screen taking you through the ultimate video editing process to help you minimize any wasted time in rework in the way that you're approaching your editing so don't forget to grab your free copy and I will see you in the next one